Municipality participation
Municipality participation
Within the planning phase of the project, we attach great importance to entering into discussions with the siting municipality as early as possible in order to present the project in detail and to jointly discuss a possible cooperation as well as the benefits for the municipality in the project area. In this case the public acceptance plays an essential role for us.
If the municipal council has passed a notice of establishment then the urban land-use plan procedure begins. This includes the creation of a mostly project-related development plan, as well as the land-use plan amendment, which usually runs in parallel.
Advantages of the approval process for the municipality:
We take into consideration the conditions and the nature conservation potential of the area as well as the local community-specific requirements (e.g. nature-compatible site selection, visual protection between local development and PV-systems, preservation of biological diversity).
bne – commitment
German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU)
In the future, local municipalities are to benefit more financially from the construction of open-site systems and the proceeds from solar parks. Eager to ensure that the energy turnaround brings more money into the cash registers of the municipalities in the future, the team of securenergy solutions AG is always vigilant on the further positive changes of the EEG (Renewable Energy Sources Act) for the energy municipalities.
Your contact persons
Yasmina Völz
Project development for open-sites systems
Axel Czoski
Project development for open-sites systems
Sebastian Falk
Project development for open-sites systems