Green electricity – Naturstrom
Green electricity – Naturstrom
Our photovoltaic systems don´t only feed green electricity into the distribution grid, but also draw on it to a small extent for their own consumption: This is because protection technology and communication systems must also be active at times when there is no feed-in, for example at night.
From now on, we will obtain around 180,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year from 100% renewable energy sources for our existing plants. For this we have already been successfully certified by our partner Naturstrom for a large number of our PV rooftop systems and are thus implementing our basic intention “think economically – act ecologically” twice over.
Compared to the German electricity mix, this saves the environment unnecessary nuclear waste and avoids CO₂ emissions. In the future we would like to purchase electrical energy from Naturstrom for our own demand at our PV systems, because this will enable us to get involved in the expansion of renewable energies outside our core business, too.